From Transfer CG continue heading north on FS561. Stay right at the split to stay on 561. Stay right again to take FS350. Stay right one more time to continue on FS346 (there should be a sign at this split indicating right is toward Sharkstooth TH. This is where the road becomes narrow and rough. A high clearance 4WD is recommended to continue otherwise you can park near the split on FS350 (This adds a 1.5 mile hike to the Sharkstooth TH).
Once at the TH, you will see this sign indicating distances to various places. Turn to your right and you will also notice the trailhead for the West Mancos Trail. You will also notice the sign referencing the National Recreation Highline Loop. The Sharkstooth Trail is 1 of 3 trails that compose the Mancos Spur which connects the Western La Platas to the Colorado Trail. This trail is a popular summer/fall hike. The trail ascends to the top of Sharkstooth Pass at 11,900 ft. Many people will turnaround at this point and descend back to the TH for a 4 mile hike/bike. At the top of the pass you will notice, the trail switchbacks down the east side of the pass before passing through a large talus field. A large snow field usually remains on the east side of the pass can make early summer/late spring travel sketchy. Continue on this path to the junction with Bear Creek Trail. Once at the junction with the Bear Creek Trail, you will see this sign with other trail options should you choose to head south on the Bear Creek Trail. To Continue on Sharktooth Trail, continue heading straight (East). You will climb up to the ridgeline before arriving at Taylor Lake.
Once at the TH, you will see this sign indicating distances to various places. Turn to your right and you will also notice the trailhead for the West Mancos Trail. You will also notice the sign referencing the National Recreation Highline Loop. The Sharkstooth Trail is 1 of 3 trails that compose the Mancos Spur which connects the Western La Platas to the Colorado Trail. This trail is a popular summer/fall hike. The trail ascends to the top of Sharkstooth Pass at 11,900 ft. Many people will turnaround at this point and descend back to the TH for a 4 mile hike/bike. At the top of the pass you will notice, the trail switchbacks down the east side of the pass before passing through a large talus field. A large snow field usually remains on the east side of the pass can make early summer/late spring travel sketchy. Continue on this path to the junction with Bear Creek Trail. Once at the junction with the Bear Creek Trail, you will see this sign with other trail options should you choose to head south on the Bear Creek Trail. To Continue on Sharktooth Trail, continue heading straight (East). You will climb up to the ridgeline before arriving at Taylor Lake.