Chair - Don Hoffheins
Don joined the MTG Board in Spring 2019. He served as a General Board Member, Vice-Chair, and became Chair in 2022. After 42 years of federal land management experience; (25+ years with USDA Forest Service and 16+ years with USDI Bureau of Land Management) Don retired in 2018. He began his career in 1976 for the Forest Service and worked on Forests in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Oregon. Don started as a soil scientist and gradually moved into natural resource planning focused on recreation, lands and timber management. In 1996 he moved to the Bureau of Land Management in Oregon as an Environmental Coordinator/Planner. After many years of supervision and management in Oregon, his last move brought him to SE Utah as a Field Manager which included working on the newly designated Bears Ears National Monument. Volunteering and trail work are a passion for Don.
Don joined the MTG Board in Spring 2019. He served as a General Board Member, Vice-Chair, and became Chair in 2022. After 42 years of federal land management experience; (25+ years with USDA Forest Service and 16+ years with USDI Bureau of Land Management) Don retired in 2018. He began his career in 1976 for the Forest Service and worked on Forests in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Oregon. Don started as a soil scientist and gradually moved into natural resource planning focused on recreation, lands and timber management. In 1996 he moved to the Bureau of Land Management in Oregon as an Environmental Coordinator/Planner. After many years of supervision and management in Oregon, his last move brought him to SE Utah as a Field Manager which included working on the newly designated Bears Ears National Monument. Volunteering and trail work are a passion for Don.

Vice Chair - Jackie Rabb
Jackie has been active in Mancos Trails Group since 2017, and joined the board in 2018. Jackie brings a wide range of knowledge and experience to the board. She comes from a background in archaeology, education, and outdoor recreation and has worked for both state and Federal land management agencies as well as within the private sector. She enjoys hiking, backpacking, mountain biking, and cross country skiing on the beautiful trails of the Mancos area and Southwest Colorado.
Jackie has been active in Mancos Trails Group since 2017, and joined the board in 2018. Jackie brings a wide range of knowledge and experience to the board. She comes from a background in archaeology, education, and outdoor recreation and has worked for both state and Federal land management agencies as well as within the private sector. She enjoys hiking, backpacking, mountain biking, and cross country skiing on the beautiful trails of the Mancos area and Southwest Colorado.
Treasurer-Alice & Lance Miller
As a family, we love biking, hiking, cross country skiing and ‘eating out’ in the forest. Volunteering for MTG is our way of giving back to the community and to a group that is passionate and dedicated about the sustainability of trails. Lance is a graduate of Fort Lewis College and eagerly wanted to bring his family back to the Four Corners area. Lance has 30+ years experience in finance with the last 18 years in financial controller positions. Alice is a born and bred Aussie from the tropics and her first snow experience was in Breckenridge in 2002. ‘Come for the winter, stay for the summer’ they said. After a few winter seasons, experiencing a summer was next on the list and well, the rest they say is history. With an accounting background and varied positions held over the years, Team Miller brings lots of accounting experience to the role of treasurer. |

Secretary - Andrew Yapp
Andrew Yapp began doing trailwork with MTG in 2019, after moving back to Southwest Colorado. A graduate of Colorado State University in Natural Resources, he has been working in the outdoor industry for the past two decades. Andrew’s hobbies include nature photography, biking long distances between breweries and burger joints, hanging in a hammock, and dreaming up the next adventure. He contributes a passion for the outdoors, solid understanding of risk management and a wry sense of humor to the MTG board.
Andrew Yapp began doing trailwork with MTG in 2019, after moving back to Southwest Colorado. A graduate of Colorado State University in Natural Resources, he has been working in the outdoor industry for the past two decades. Andrew’s hobbies include nature photography, biking long distances between breweries and burger joints, hanging in a hammock, and dreaming up the next adventure. He contributes a passion for the outdoors, solid understanding of risk management and a wry sense of humor to the MTG board.

Executive Officer at Large - Ondine Wilson
Ondine has a background in medical social work and a strong sense of commitment to community service. She believes that spending time outdoors has a value to our health beyond the benefit of exercise alone and believes that the work Mancos Trails Group is doing offers the community the chance to enjoy the benefits of the natural areas that are so close at hand here in Mancos. An all-around outdoor enthusiast, volunteering for trail-work days with MTG was an ideal fit for Ondine when she moved to the area in 2021. She looks forward to serving the community in other ways as a board member in the coming year. Ondine aspires to hike the entire Mancos Spur Trail this summer, and to bike or hike as many of the trails listed on the MTG website as she can.
Ondine has a background in medical social work and a strong sense of commitment to community service. She believes that spending time outdoors has a value to our health beyond the benefit of exercise alone and believes that the work Mancos Trails Group is doing offers the community the chance to enjoy the benefits of the natural areas that are so close at hand here in Mancos. An all-around outdoor enthusiast, volunteering for trail-work days with MTG was an ideal fit for Ondine when she moved to the area in 2021. She looks forward to serving the community in other ways as a board member in the coming year. Ondine aspires to hike the entire Mancos Spur Trail this summer, and to bike or hike as many of the trails listed on the MTG website as she can.

Board Member at Large - John Early & Vickie Lukina
John and Vickie love mountain biking, hiking and cross country skiing. They also love to travel and cook and consider themselves foodies! John owns his own business and is a high-end photo retoucher, digital asset manager and photographer. Vickie is a Quality Systems Specialist for The Boeing Company. After falling in love with the San Juans over 10 years of vacations to Colorado, they finally relocated here in early 2023. They quickly found Mancos Trails Group and began volunteering for trail work and adopted Segment #7 of the Mancos Spur Trail. This involvement soon led to an invitation to be on the MTG board of directors. They bring to the group their love of our incredible local mountains and trails, along with almost 40 years of combined backcountry trail work experience with groups including the Warriors Society and OCMTBA.
John and Vickie love mountain biking, hiking and cross country skiing. They also love to travel and cook and consider themselves foodies! John owns his own business and is a high-end photo retoucher, digital asset manager and photographer. Vickie is a Quality Systems Specialist for The Boeing Company. After falling in love with the San Juans over 10 years of vacations to Colorado, they finally relocated here in early 2023. They quickly found Mancos Trails Group and began volunteering for trail work and adopted Segment #7 of the Mancos Spur Trail. This involvement soon led to an invitation to be on the MTG board of directors. They bring to the group their love of our incredible local mountains and trails, along with almost 40 years of combined backcountry trail work experience with groups including the Warriors Society and OCMTBA.
Board Member at Large - Howard Kalnitz
Howard Kalnitz joined the MTG board in 2022 as a member at large, after riding and working on the trails in the area. He and his wife Pam, moved to the area in 2020 from the east after retiring as engineer for a large manufacturing company. He has been active in the outdoors hiking, biking, x-country skiing as well as caving and cave cartography. It just made sense to them to move to this area with all the wonderful outdoor opportunities. He has served on the boards of various outdoor clubs and non-profits in the past, and hopes to use this experience to help where he can with Mancos Trail Group. |

Board Member at Large - Alan Klein
Alan Klein moved to Colorado in 1977 after completing his Master’s in Public Administration at Penn State University. Alan had a 20 year career in Community and Economic Development prior to transferring to the private sector. In 1988 Alan moved to SW Colorado to serve as the Economic Development Director for Montezuma County and during his tenure recruited Osprey Packs and other businesses to the area. In 1996 Alan moved into the private sector becoming VP of Frontier Internet, a start-up Internet company in Durango. Alan became President after the death of the owner and helped grow Frontier Internet to become the largest ISP in the region before it was sold in 2002. Alan started a technology company in 2004 called AmeriSPOT that provides managed Wi-FI services, customized wireless solutions and video surveillance systems. Alan still owns and operates this small business. Alan has always loved hiking and year round outdoor activities in SW Colorado. When not working at his business, Alan is often found on area trails or on the dance floor.
Alan Klein moved to Colorado in 1977 after completing his Master’s in Public Administration at Penn State University. Alan had a 20 year career in Community and Economic Development prior to transferring to the private sector. In 1988 Alan moved to SW Colorado to serve as the Economic Development Director for Montezuma County and during his tenure recruited Osprey Packs and other businesses to the area. In 1996 Alan moved into the private sector becoming VP of Frontier Internet, a start-up Internet company in Durango. Alan became President after the death of the owner and helped grow Frontier Internet to become the largest ISP in the region before it was sold in 2002. Alan started a technology company in 2004 called AmeriSPOT that provides managed Wi-FI services, customized wireless solutions and video surveillance systems. Alan still owns and operates this small business. Alan has always loved hiking and year round outdoor activities in SW Colorado. When not working at his business, Alan is often found on area trails or on the dance floor.
Board Member at Large- Jen & Jeff Magnuson
Jeff & Jen moved to Mancos with their two heelers in 2020 after drooling over a saved Zillow search in the area for four years and dreaming of being part of the community here. After several adventures on the trails in the area, they met some of the MTG folks and couldn’t pass up an opportunity to get their hands dirty and invest some sweat into the amazing recreational resources here! Jen is an adventure photographer, and Jeff is the Race Director for Race Across America. They both enjoy mountain biking green and blue trails, hiking, backpacking, paddling, nordic and alpine skiing, road biking, and camping. Jen is a runner and Ironman triathlete who has recently coaxed Jeff into lacing up some running shoes and learning a swim stroke so he can experience the euphoria of the finish line too. They serve MTG as co-occupants of an At- Large seat on the board, assisting with events, work days, fundraisers, and grant applications. |